Robert Caswell

The first time you take a leap, the unknown and your imagination help you through. The second time there is no unknown and your imagination hinders you.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Years ago I had the opportunity to skydive.  After a 4 hour ground course I finally boarded the little prop plane with all seats except the pilots removed. I knew all the commands that the instructor would give,  I knew all the saftey precautions,  I believed I knew it all.  I didn't know the noise the door would make when it opened, I didn't know the fear of hanging off the plane or of watching as the plane moved away at such a speed.
 I had signed up for two jumps that day and my second jump was much more difficult than the first.  I had already tasted the fear and trully knew what to expect.
As I start back though my second cancer treatment , I know what to expect and can even recall the nightmares that I went through the first time.

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